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In warmer weather, food spoils more quickly, and bacteria multiply more rapidly. And as temperatures continue to rise across the country, it’s important to keep food safety in mind. For this month’s activity, join us in a discussion on summer food safety: What are some of the special precautions that you take to keep food […]
Biological hazards in food Of the three food hazards—biological, chemical, and physical—biological hazards are the most common cause of foodborne disease. You may be aware that these hazards involve pathogens, or harmful microorganisms, such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Pathogens such as Salmonella and E. coli cause some of the most infamous foodborne illness outbreaks, […]
The world of food safety training is complex. The science behind foodborne illness is multi-faceted and can be confusing; programs designed to steer the behavior of foodservice employees have to be developed with all things considered; and, of course, there are local regulatory bodies generating health codes that retail food establishments must abide by. But […]
Milk curdles and cheese gets moldy, but what about butter? Many people leave a stick of butter on the counter without thinking twice about it. Others religiously keep their butter in the fridge after each use. So who’s right? Does butter go bad if you leave it out? Butter is not a TCS food Dairy […]
Anyone plugged-in to the food industry knows that antibiotic-free chicken has had plenty of time in the limelight. For years, farmers and ranchers have added antibiotics to livestock feed. Recently, health officials encouraged meat companies to stop using antibiotics because it creates a presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in animals. Last fall, the Food and Drug […]