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If you’ve never had the “stomach bug,” chances are you’ve known somebody who has. Stomach pains and never-ending trips to the bathroom are a few of the tell-tale signs that can indicate that you’ve eaten contaminated food. Every year, 48 million Americans become sick from foodborne illness. How is this possible? There are 5 major […]
How Can I Prevent Allergic Reactions? When preparing a meal, cutting chicken on the same cutting board that you used to chop up shrimp doesn’t seem like a big deal. But to someone with a shellfish allergy, that act alone could be life threatening. One simple mistake could easily give a customer an allergic reaction. Attention […]
We have all had meals that began with good intentions. You pull chicken out of the freezer and put it in the fridge to thaw with plans to cook it that night. Maybe you forgot to pick your child up from soccer practice, or things began piling up at work. Whatever it be, your chicken […]
When safely cooking food, one area of concern is handling raw meat. Raw meat is one of the biggest culprits of spreading foodborne illness. If not handled correctly, meat can carry a number of foodborne pathogens, such as Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria. These dangerous diseases may cause abdominal pain, chills, fatigue, dizziness, fever, bloating, […]
The memories of Thanksgiving are near and dear to the hearts of many. The smell of the turkey, the taste of pumpkin pie, and the sound of laughter filling every space in the home. Nothing ruins these memories faster than a case of foodborne illness quickly spreading through the family. The problem is, most people […]
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