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October Cartoon: Reportable Illnesses

Sick employees coming to work are a major cause of foodborne illness outbreaks, so it’s very important that you tell your manager when you are sick. Symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice, and a sore throat with a fever may be signs of a contagious foodborne illness, and your manager will probably ask you to stay home or restrict your work duties if you have them. You must also tell your manager if you have been diagnosed with Norovirus, shigellosis, E. coli poisoning, salmonellosis, or Hepatitis A, even if you don’t feel very sick.

Although you may feel the need to work because you need the money or there is no one else to work your shift, it’s much more important that your coworkers and customers stay healthy. Foodborne illness is a serious threat to your customers, and without taking the right precautions, you may risk the health and lives of those you serve.

If you are unsure of whether or not you should stay home or restrict your activities at work, ask your manager or consult this Food Worker Illness Flowchart.

Food Safety Reminder
Restrict or exclude employees with reportable illnesses or symptoms to prevent a foodborne illness outbreak.

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